Frequent questions
How can I be sure your products are authentic?
We asked ourselves your question when we decided to sell these products. The answer is that we make sure we buy products from qualified vendors, we update ourselves to recognize real and fake products, and use the best technology available to scan the products (Entrupy). We are aware that selling or buying fake products is a crime in Switzerland and around the world. Our commitment to avoiding fake product is maximum in respect of the customer, the brands we love and above all in compliance with the law. If it happens that a product sold by us is qualified as non-authentic, we undertake to return 100% of the amount paid. You can find more about our authenticity promise by clicking here.
It is possible to collect the product in person?
With pleasure, contact us to make an appointment.
How the shipment takes place?
We ship to Switzerland, Europe, the United States (USA) and United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Delivery time
We ship your order within 2 days of placing your order and the delivery time is 2-3 business days (for Switzerland).
Shipping cost
Shipping in Switzerland is free for orders over 250 CHF. For orders of lower amount we offer delivery by Swiss Post at 10 CHF and by DHL Express at 15 CHF.
Shipping to Europe costs 28 CHF, to USA/Canada 50 CHF and UAE 100 CHF.
For USA, Canada and UAE we offer free shipment for orders above 2000 CHF.
How does international shipment works?
We are in Switzerland, so all shipments outside Switzerland and Liechtenstein are for us international.
The order price you pay to us is net of Swiss Value Added Tax (VAT) of 7.7%. So, at checkout, you pay less than a Swiss customer.
Consider that when you receive the order you will have to pay your country's tax and duties (which may be higher or lower compared to the Swiss VAT).
At checkout, you will see the calculated shipping cost that depends on your country.